Saturday May 2 at 4pm welcome author Marsha Wight Wise and browse through her new book Baltimore Neighborhoods!
4pm Saturday May 2 at Red Canoe!
Nicole and Peter
On Friday, May 8, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
The Hamilton Gallery at
From Lyn Marie Dodds
Please join me in this exciting event representing a community project that Rizing Son Glass Works has been involved with for the past year. This mural represents many, many hours of volunteer time & tenacity to bring forth this permanent installation, as well as friendships & experiences to precede in future projects. I am honored in this opportunity to serve my community and all who pass by, to share the beauty of art, one broken piece at a time. Thank you for your support & I hope to see you there!
Lynn Marie
Rizing Son Glass Works
Greater Lauraville Homes and Gardens tour!
Saturday, June 13, 2009 from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M.
The start of the tour will be announced in the near future. Tickets are $7.50 in advance, $10 the day of the tour.
Contact the Neighborhoods of Greater Lauraville (NOGLI)
Linda Secor opened the Heart of Hamilton, a new retail gift shop located at 5523 Harford Road on Friday night, April 17th. Perfect timing with Mother's Day right around the corner! Check out the storefront windows. Window shopping is coming back! Linda has relocated here from Lutherville. Take a moment to stop by. Put her on the top of your shopping list if you are looking for a unique gift.
From Carl Byrne
If you had not heard, HAC has received the occupancy permit which allows us to reopen the HAC for public performances.
The first scheduled show will be May 9th featuring the comedy of the Baltimore Improv Group. This event coincides with the Hamilton Art Crawl.
In preparation for the reopening there are a number of last minute items to be done in the performance space. From simple carpentry to clean-up and painting, we still have a number of things to do. We will be having several work days between now and the 9th. If you can join us, it will make the reopening all the more impressive. We will be posting information about work days on the HAC website.
The two work days presently scheduled are:
Saturday April 25th from 10:30 – 2 PM
Saturday May 2nd from 10:30 – 2 PM
Please consider giving us a hand getting ready for our grand opening.
Location: Hamilton Arts Collective
5440 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD
Phone: 410-444-4272
See you at the HAC!
Carl Byrne
Hi everyone,
We are closed SUNDAY, APRIL 12! But we do have our 2nd Saturday Poetry reading beginning at 4pm and we will re-open Monday at 6am.
It is the spring season and we are having a blast playing in the dirt. The garden is looking lovely already and the flowers will soon be poking their heads out! So stop in for a wonderful and relaxed breakfast or lunch in the garden, a cup of coffee or tea, a visit with that friend you keep meaning to call, or a simple and quiet moment of retreat. Browse from our small but great selection of new and discounted books, green books, and poetry.
The last couple weeks in April, and weekends during May, promise to be a literary feast. Leslie Miller’s new book Let Me Eat Cake is delightful and she will be here at 4pm on the 25th of April. If you can’t get into Red Canoe to buy your book, check out our on-line bookstore: click on internet sales on our home page www.redcanoe.bz
May 2nd brings Marsha Wight Wise with her new book Neighborhoods of Baltimore. Washington Post editor and author Steve Luxenberg on May 9 with his new book Annie’s Ghosts: A Journey into a Family Secret –a book which is getting rave reviews pre-publication. It is a good one!
Finally, for the children, we are carrying Milkshake CD’s -- an excellent traveling CD for travel over the holiday weekend or any weekend. No tears, just singing and dancing in your seat!
Stop in soon for some good fresh coffee and muffins, breakfast and/or lunch, good books and the best neighbors, here at Red Canoe.
See you soon,
Nicole and Peter
Red Canoe
4337 Harford Road
Baltimore MD 21214
Saturday, June 13, 2009 from 11AM to 3PM
5-7 Houses along the tour that will demonstrate Greater Lauraville Homes and Gardens with a focus on Healthy Neighborhoods renovation projects. The start of the tour will be announced in the near future. Tickets are $7.50 in advance, $10 the day of the tour. Contact the Neighborhoods of Greater Lauraville at 410-444-9188 or www.greaterlauraville.com for more information.