Thursday, May 31, 2012

Youth Acting Classes at Performance Workshop Theatre in Hamilton (Baltimore 21214)

Make theater a family affair this summer! Is it time for big brother or little sister to join their sibling on stage?  Now you can sign them up and save with our summer sibling discount. Register one child at full price and receive a 10% discount on the second registration!
Save on our fabulous summer classes! Beginning this Saturday, June 2.
  • IMAGINATIONS ALIVE A Creative Drama Workshop for Ages: 3 - 5 Saturdays: 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.June 2 – July 7 (6 weeks)
  • MAKE A PLAY A Creative Drama Workshop for Grades: 2nd – 5th Saturday: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.June 2 – July 7 (6 weeks)
For more information and registration, contact Leanne O’Neill, Director of Education and Community Outreach for the Young Actors Studio, at 410.659.7830 and visit our website:
Performance Workshop Theatre 
5426 Harford Road, Hamilton
Baltimore MD 21214

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Green Onion Market is open for business!

The Green Onion Market is open for business!
5500 Harford Road

Tues - Sat: 9am - 7pm
Sunday: 9am - 3pm
Don't forget your fresh ingredients for
the Memorial Day weekend!

Charcuterie, meats, dairy products, loads of cheeses, pasta, canned veggies and more!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daily Record article HLMS purchases building as business incubator

Hamilton-Lauraville group buys building for incubator

POSTED: 6:34 PM MON, MAY 21, 2012




When Regina Lansinger and Rich Marsiglia had two days to finance the purchase of a new incubator space, they didn’t get the money from a bank — they got it from area business owners and residents. Lansinger and Marsiglia lead Hamilton-Lauraville Main Street. The nonprofit commercial revitalization organization in northeast Baltimore is one of the city’s 10 designated Main Streets. Baltimore’s Main Streets program, modeled on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street program, was started in 2000 by Gov. Martin O’Malley while he was the city’s mayor. The program provides guidelines for urban revitalization and is overseen by the Baltimore Development Corp.

Started in 2008, HLMS has an operating budget of $115,650. This month, the group bought
the original Hamilton firehouse building near the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Harford Road. The organization paid $64,900 for the building, buying the property before it went to
auction. They settled on May 1 and by next spring, Lansinger and Marsiglia, the group’s
director and board president, respectively, hope to have the space renovated, with the first
floor serving as an incubator for a retail business. The second floor will have office spaces
and community meeting space.

A community, rather than a bank, financing a project is becoming increasingly common, said David Kirsch, associate professor of capitalism studies at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park. “What we’re really seeing is just a change in the role of banks,” which have become more oriented toward risk management and driving returns for shareholders than local lending, he said. “It’s kind of like a crowd sourcing response,” he said.
The group’s plan is to give a startup retail company about six months of mentorship as well as reduced rent in the incubator. Then, the company would move into one of the available spaces on Harford Road.

There are about 10 spaces on Harford Road — and one on Hamilton Avenue —
that fit the 500- to 1,500-square-foot size of a small retail business, Lansinger said.
In  fiscal 2011, 10 businesses opened and six closed in the HLMS commercial district,
resulting in a net gain of 28 jobs, according to the group’s annual report.

Though the first floor of the old firehouse is a beauty salon, Marsiglia has spoken with the business owners about plans to remodel the building, and HLMS will help relocate the business when the time comes, Marsiglia said.

Marsiglia, who owns Hamilton Vacuum and Janitorial Supply, also has teamed up with
Winston Blick, chef and owner of nearby Clementine restaurant, to open a local and organic
food store called the Green Onion.
After about two years of planning and $70,000 in renovations, including the installation of 10 refrigeration units and new heating and air conditioning, plumbing and electrical systems, the shop opened Thursday at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Harford Road. The space, owned by Marsiglia, had been vacant for 2½ years, since he moved his vacuum business across the street to the former home of Cooper’s Camera Mart.

“It’s going to cost a little more, but it’s going to be the cow got slaughtered on Monday,  butchered on Tuesday and by Thursday, it’s in our case,” said Marsiglia, who said he hopes the new store will bring a regular crowd and some vibrancy to an intersection that has been “dead, shutdown.”

“Hopefully the store will bring stability to the area,” he said.

The group has also started a “citywide search for business,” a proactive plan to attract businesses to the area and provide assistance, including website and business plan development. The help comes mostly from HLMS board members, who are lending their expertise to support the area’s needs.

The focus is on retail that will complement the area’s thriving restaurant and arts-related businesses.

“We want to see more people strolling the street, and if they go to dinner, and they go to one of the shows, they’re still off the street,” he said.

The group advertised on local listserves and took out an advertisement in Baltimore City Paper at the end of March. A month later it had its first retail business picked: a Marylandmade art and crafts shop to be called The Gift Cellar.

The business, which will be housed at 4337 Harford Road, below the Red Canoe Bookstore Café, is the brainchild of Kim Gray and Sue Holmes. The two hope to be open the first week of September.

 “That community is so supportive of its businesses. We’re just really happy that we’re going to be able to be there,” Gray said.
 In July, the store owners plan to hold an open house for artists to see the space, she said. Gray and Holmes will manage the store, generating revenue from renting display space to artists, who will in turn receive all the revenue from their products sales, she said.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Karaoke Wednesdays at Chef Mac's


Chef Mac's
4709 Harford Road 410-319-6227

"Humpday" Karaoke Wednesdays packs the house with music & laughter. 
Sure you know that Chef Mac serves buffet-style dinner & a great night of music on Saturdays, but did you know that menu dining (lunch and dinner) is available from Tuesday through Friday?

12 - 8pm on Tuesday & Thursday
 12-11pm on Wednesday
12-9 pm on Friday

Saturday: 4 PM - Midnight [menu dining until 6 PM - shows begin 8 PM]

Stop by for some great food & fun! 

Check the website for more details.

Look for Chef Mac at the Tuesday Market in Lauraville beginning June!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Moonshine Society at Chef Mac's

Moonshine Society 

May 19th
show begins at 8:00 p.m.

Chef Mac's and All that Blues
Harford Road in Lauraville (Baltimore 21214)

$25 dinner show includes all you can eat soul food buffet.
BYOB - cork fee applies.. 
Reservations are highly encouraged.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Customer Appreciation Day at Will's Hairstyling on Harford Road

Will's Hairstyling
5121 Harford Rd.
Customer Appreciation Day
Happy Mother's Day
 Saturday, May 12, 2012
 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Grilled Hotdogs and Hamburgers 

2 upcoming events at Herring Run

 Docs in the Park
May 12th 
11am to 4pm
 4700 Parkside Drive in Herring Run Park.

“Docs in the Park” is a local health initiative whose aim is to reconnect Baltimore’s youth and families to nature in order to reap the physical, cognitive and social benefits of active outdoor activity. In addition to Friends of Herring Run Parks and the Frankfort Improvement Association, it is a community- uniting effort supported by the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks, the Parks and People Foundation, the Greater Baltimore Children and Nature Collaborative, Kaiser Permanente, the Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MD AAP).
Activities include:
- Free Food from Souper Freaks
- Horseback Riding
- Volley Ball and Kick Ball competitions
- Baseball Catch, and Football Toss, and Kite Flying with give-away kits
- Physician information booth
- Park Restoration Project
- Delay Races, Yoga, Games, Sidewalk Chalk, Pogo Stick Obstacle Course,
- Jump Rope Rhyme, Build Your Own Hula-Hoop
- & More!

National Trails Day
June 2nd 
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
4700 Parkside Drive in Herring Run Park.

The Friends of Herring Run Parks and the Parks and People Foundation are sponsoring an event in central Herring Run Park from 10 am to 3pm again at 4700 Parkside drive. You are invited to celebrate National Trails Day by exploring Herring Run with a trail-hike, pirate treasure hunt filled with riddles, costumed volunteers, treasure chests, and eye patches. There will also be a nature picture scavenger hunt (bring your own camera). Free healthy food, games and sports, and tee shirts for the first 100 that participate are available. Come, get outside, hike along the trail, and enjoy national trails day with a fun family event!

For more information:
Howard Aylesworth
Friends of Herring Run Parks
3545 Belair Road
Baltimore, MD 21213
p) 410.254.3139
c) 443.717.4470

Lost Amigos on Harford Road in Hamilton in the news......

The City Paper and CBS Baltimore highlight Lost Amigos Restaurant.

Belly Bacchanalia at the HAC on May 19th (Hamilton 21214)

Charm City Tribal
Belly Bacchanalia

at the

Hamilton Arts Collective

May 19th
 8:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.

"Charm City Tribal will return with their 4th annual spring show! Once
again it will be a night of experimental and unusual bellydance in
both the tribal fusion and American Tribal Style traditions, with
local professional and semi-professional troupes and soloists. Troupe
Hip'Notic will headline, there will be open dancing, and Miz Scarlett
will guide us through the evening with her inimitable MC stylings!"

This is family friendly, though sometimes the MC patter can be a
little more adult oriented so it would be better for teens than
younger kids.

Here are videos from the January show:

Kallisti Tribal (choreo and group improv performance)

Belladonna (solo choreo and improv fusion dance)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

9 AM- 2 PM
SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2012

Helping Boys Understand & Hamilton Pres. 
Community May Hay Day

Friday May 18, 2012
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

HBU Recreation Center
5532 Harford Road
Hamilton, Baltimore
Behind Hamilton Presbyterian Church
Just a ten minute walk from Hamilton Elementary and Middle School

~Meet and talk with Senator Catherine Pugh
~Live Performance by Team Of One Records Third Generation
~ On site registration for BCPD Explorers Youth Program
~See the Young Ones perform on stage
Games and Prizes
Concession stands is selling food at 1994 prices!
Snowballs, candy, sodas, freeze pops and much more.
Let’s Get Ready For Summertime In Hamilton
For more up to date info check us out at HBU Madden on Facebook
HBU Entertainment

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First Friday at the Hamilton Gallery May 4th

Three local artists displayed their work during the First Friday opening at the Hamilton Gallery. Leslie Miller, David Pugh & Steven Parke have a great show that will hang through the month of May. If you couldn't make it to the opening, their work, along with the work of member artists, will be on display throughout the month.

Thanks to the appearance of the Arcadian Rhythms, guests were entertained by visual and performance art!

The Hamilton Gallery is a program of the Hamilton Arts Collective, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that keeps the arts alive in Hamilton & Lauraville. Plug in to the events happening in your neighborhood!

Green Onion (Hamilton 21214)

The Green Onion was open for a sneak peek for First Friday, May 4th! The shelves are beginning to fill up with unique products.

Fresh squeezed orange juice - Fill your bottle with virgin olive oil - Eco friendly laundry detergent - A little spice - Aged cheese anyone?

Friday, May 4, 2012

HCC Hoop Alert - 4500 Harford

The hoop tent is up at 4500 Harford Road.

Many great volunteers pitched in to complete this project. Thanks to Arthur Morgan from Hamilton Crop Circle & Vinnie Bevivino from Seed & Cycle and all the volunteers that worked together to make this happen!

Regina Lansinger, Director
Hamilton Lauraville Main Street
5500 Harford Road - Suite 201
Baltimore, MD 21214
410.319.7151 (fax)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yard Sale at Faith Community

May 19, 2012
9 AM – 2 PM
Faith Community, United Methodist Church
5315 Harford Road
Hamilton, Baltimore, MD

Rent a space for just $20. Car wash and refreshments also available.
Proceeds to benefit the outreach and youth ministries.
Only the church will sell food, drink.

For more information or to register contact: 410-426-8177 or

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

HARBEL Community Organization, Inc.

Annual Flea Market

Saturday, May 12, 2012
9am to 2pm
5807 Harford Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21214.

10' x 10' spaces for $20.00 are still available
Join the over 45 vendors at HARBEL's annual flea market for this well attended event on Harford Rd.

Join us for Baked goods, Fleas, Food, Flowers and Fun.

For more information and a contract for space Call Sharon @ 410 444 2100, or
download a contract from our website:

Donations of Baked goods and "Good Fleas"are being accepted.
All space sale proceeds benefit HARBEL Programs.
More news about Hamilton's Clementine opening at the Creative Alliance.

Woo Hoo!

Free Energy Check-up for Business Owners in Hamilton and Lauraville

Save money and help make Hamilton-Lauraville a more sustainable community with the Baltimore Business Energy Challenge! This is a FREE nonprofit program that connects small businesses with the opportunities and resources to help them use less energy, thereby saving them money and lowering Baltimore's impact on the environment. Participants get a free Energy Check-up, an Energy-Savers Kit adapted to their needs, and guidance towards specific energy-saving steps and resources that businesses can take advantage of. One such resource is a BGE lighting retrofit, of which 80% of the cost is covered by BGE. The best part is, BBEC participants can get the other 20% reimbursed!
Twelve Hamilton-Lauraville businesses have taken advantage of our resources, and you can too! If you are interested in the program, please contact Tom Caponiti at 410-927-6088 ext. 505 or