Thursday, January 6, 2011

PerVerse Poetry on January 14th at the Hamilton Gallery (Baltimore 21214)

PerVerse - Where the Arts get Twisted

Friday January 14th

8 pm

Hamilton Art Gallery
5502 Harford Road
Baltimore, MD 21214

Poetry reading with several features and open mic.

Sponsored by Poetry in Baltimore and hosted by Julie Fisher.
Email: Julie@poetryinbaltimore
Phone: 443-418-4762

Featured poets:
Tanefa Wallace and Kathleen Hellen

Kathleen Hellen will be unveiling her new book-”The Girl Who Loved Mothra”. Her work has appeared in Barrow Street; The Cortland Review; the Hollins Critic; Nimrod; Prairie Schooner; Southern Poetry Review; Subtropics; among others. Awards include the Washington Square Review, James Still and ThomasMerton poetry prizes, as well as individual artist grants from the state and city of Baltimore. She is an editor for the Baltimore Review.

Tanefå aka The One Who Loves has been writing erotica since she picked up that first Noire book about Lady and the Beast… Her soon to be released book of poetry overflows with sensual sexiness and is awaited with baited breath, but the novel she is working on has been compared to the likes of Zane. Having been on the poetry scene for almost 10 years in Baltimore and Philadelphia, she is ready to come display her wares for you