Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cut-A-Thon at the Chop Shop (Lauraville 21214) to benefit the Hamilton Crop Circle

("Vintage Hairdryer" by Artiana Deco)

News from Lisa, owner of the Chop Shop Hair salon:

Spread the news! Baltimore's Chop Shop hair salon is hosting it's first-ever Cut-a-Thon this month! The event will take place on Monday, July 26 from noon to four at the shop, which is located at 4321 Harford Road. This is a charity event and the suggested donation is $15 for each cut. All proceeds will go directly to the Hamilton Crop Circle, a local group that seeks to engage the greater community in the benefits of an organic, sustainable, and peaceful lifestyle (visit for more information). It's a great opportunity to support two local efforts at once and get yourself a great new 'do, so we hope to see you on July 26th for a fantastic afternoon at the Chop Shop!

The Chop Shop of Baltimore
4321 Harford Road