Film New from Chris Muldowney
Please note change of date from original posting. The new date is 1/23/10:
Happy New Year to all at the start of this new, hopefully delightfully better decade.
Shake off those cabin fever blues with what is considered by many to be the film noir, "Murder, My Sweet" showing on Saturday 1/23/10* at 7 pm. After the show there will be a lively discussion with film maker, Chris Reed.
The showing is part of the Donovan Fund Film Noir Series befitting the Donovan Fund for City Seniors. Please join us for a good time and a great cause. (All proceeds go directly to help the basic needs of City seniors) & sit back for great film in your community to enjoy the stylistic shadows & light of Film Noir.
Tickets are in demand so make you reservations early.
Film: “Murder My Sweet” starring Dick Powell & Claire Trevor, Directed by Edward Dmytryk
Date: Saturday 1/16/10 at 7 pm
Location: Lauraville's Theater on the 2nd Floor
4321 Harford Road
(Above the Chop Shop)
Call Chris to inquire about pre show dinner discounts at the Chameleon Café.
Save the date & call to reserve early to Chris Muldowney at 410-366-1980 x271 or Box Office Manager, Paula Skleres, at x276.
Please share with your contacts.